DriveSnap by MollieSoft

** Search for files on USB drives, DVDs or network shares even when they are not available. ** Create a searchable catalog of the files on any disk (fixed disk, USB drive, optical disk). ** Find file duplicates and file differences.

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License Shareware
Expires 60 Days
Price $9.95
Downloads 179
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name DriveSnapSetup.msi
File Size 1.67 MB ( 1,712 KB )
Published Mar 27, 2020 (5 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

- Use DriveSnap to create a searchable catalog of the files on any disk (fixed disk, USB drive, optical disk) or network share. Once you snap a disk, you can view or search its file listing even though the disk is unavailable at the time (offline, unmounted, or removed from the computer).
- Efficient and robust design for lightning-fast snaps and subsequent snap viewing and searching. Snap, view and search terabyte-capacity disks easily.
- DriveSnap correctly identifies any mounted disk even if Windows has changed the drive letter.
- Snap all backup CD/DVDs to have a complete record of your backup files. Easily find different versions of your backup files using DriveSnap Search view.
- Snap disk files manually at any time, or automatically on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule; optionally wake the computer from sleep to run a scheduled snap.
- Keep as many snap versions as you wish, based on cleanup rules; each snap has a unique timestamp.
- You can snap multiple disks simultaneously.
- Use Snap Explorer to browse or search the files in a single snap. Once a folder has been snapped, searching for files in Snap Explorer is much faster than searching in Windows Explorer.
- Use Search View to find files in snaps for ALL disks, based on name, path, or file dates/sizes, using a full-featured query language.
- SnapDiff View compares two snaps to see which files are different.
- SnapDup View finds duplicate files quickly in one or more snaps.
- Export snaps to Excel for offline viewing or analysis.
- Backup any or all of your DriveSnap drives/folders/snaps to a SnapSilo file; restore these to any computer running DriveSnap.
- Secure storage of logon credentials for folders on network shares.
- Choose which folders to snap on each disk or network share.

Requirements: Windows 8.1 or 10
Release Info: New Release on Mar 26, 2020
Release Notes: Initial release.
Related Tags: disk snapshot offline file catalog view files offline search USB drive contents search DVD contents


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