BitCopy by MollieSoft

** File copy program for Windows; control files using AND/OR/NOT filter expressions containing file name/path/date/size. ** Try It! mode. ** Verify files after copying. ** Use schedules to run copy jobs automatically daily/weekly/monthly.

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License Shareware
Expires 180 Days
Price $14.95
Downloads 326
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name BitCopySetup.msi
File Size 1.47 MB ( 1,504 KB )
Published Sep 19, 2018 (6 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

** BitCopy is a File Copy program for Windows.
** Create copy sets (jobs) to copy files between any local or remote directories.
** Select files to copy from each sub-directory using a filter expression involving file name/path/date/size.
** Use AND/OR/NOT to build filters of arbitrary complexity. Use different filters for different sub-directories. Build and test filters interactively.
** Efficient and robust design can handle millions of files and terabytes of data in a single copy set.
** Overwrite only changed files, or always overwrite files, or never overwrite files in the target directory.
** Use 'Try It!' mode to predict which files would be copied.
** Verify the copy job by comparing the actual contents (bits) of each source and target file after a copy, if desired.
** Each copy set can be run manually at any time, or automatically on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule; optionally wake the computer from sleep to run a scheduled copy.
** Copy Journal shows the complete past results (files copied and any errors) for all copy runs. See files being copied in real time for the current run.
** Enable or disable any subdirectory of a copy set individually; this lets you turn on/off any part of the copy job at will.
** Secure storage of logon credentials for network folders if desired.
** Runs on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.
** Try BitCopy free for 180 days!

Requirements: Windows 7, 8.1 or 10
Release Info: New Release on Sep 07, 2018
Release Notes: Version is the initial release. Version - minor fixes.
Related Tags: Windows file copy program copy filter BitCopy copy files windows


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