molliesoft's Profile

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Products submitted by molliesoft

WinSleep by MollieSoft

Windows utility that keeps your computer asleep when it's not busy; a timeline shows when your computer was asleep or awake over the last several days. Define wake timers and tasks. Windows 7, 8.1 or 10. More info at

BitSilo by MollieSoft

BitSIlo creates timestamped backups for files and directories you specify. Create multiple backup sets, each containing different set of files or directories to be backed up on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule.

PodSilo by MollieSoft

PodSilo is a podcast downloader for Windows. ** Uses RSS feeds to automatically download podcast episodes for you! ** Download episodes manually or on a time schedule. ** Creates readable file names for episodes based on the episode title.

BitCopy by MollieSoft

** File copy program for Windows; control files using AND/OR/NOT filter expressions containing file name/path/date/size. ** Try It! mode. ** Verify files after copying. ** Use schedules to run copy jobs automatically daily/weekly/monthly.

FileMancer by MollieSoft

** Creates a personal website on your computer allowing you to download your files through any web browser, on any device! ** Transfer files using any web browser, on iPad/iPhone/Android. ** Windows IIS setup is not required - it just works!

FileBadger by MollieSoft

* FileBadger is a FREE utility from MollieSoft that performs fast file searches. * Find files in multiple folders on any disk or network share, using MollieSoft File Query Language. * Use regular expressions for file/folder name matches (optional).

DriveSnap by MollieSoft

** Search for files on USB drives, DVDs or network shares even when they are not available. ** Create a searchable catalog of the files on any disk (fixed disk, USB drive, optical disk). ** Find file duplicates and file differences.

Reviews submitted by molliesoft

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