WinLock 9.1

WinLock is a comprehensive security software for personal or publicly accessible computers. It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $26.95
Downloads 1,018
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name winlock.exe
File Size 8.37 MB ( 8,574 KB )
Published Oct 13, 2004 (20 years ago)
Updated Feb 21, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

WinLock is a comprehensive security software for personal or publicly accessible computers running all versions of Windows from 2000 to Windows 10. It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer.
This security tool allows you to restrict your users from accessing important system resources like Control Panel, desktop, and system registry, disable Windows hotkeys (such as Alt-Ctrl-Del, Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Esc, etc.), block mouse, hide the Start button and taskbar.
With WinLock you can control how long others can use your computer. It runs from the system tray and requires a password to gain access to the available settings.
It loads automatically with Windows and allows you to add an optional startup message, provide audio notification, and set the time limit. Once that limit is reached, Windows is summarily shut down. You can toggle the timer on and off from the tray.
Parental control system lets you activate filters that allow access to websites that are useful for learning and reference only. That's why responsible parents install WinLock on every computer that their children use.
It also lets you deny access to selected files, applications, and Explorer windows (Recycle Bin, My Computer, etc.), usb and hard drives, filter Internet content and prohibit access to questionable websites. When enabled, there is no way around it without the proper password.
Whether you're worried about coworkers going on the network and gaining unauthorized access to your private files, or your kids messing up your work files, WinLock is a software-only solution to your security needs.

Requirements: n/a
Release Info: Major Update on Jun 02, 2022
Release Notes: USB authentication. Desktop and webcam snapshots. Disable Shift+Del, Del and Esc. Block removables also blocks portable devices. New lock mode. Support for Tor browser. Multiple remote notification addresses. Disable automatic updates in Windows 10. Fixed some Instant Lock issues.
Related Tags: security password lock access


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