CybSecure 1.3.300

CybSecure is an Internet Filtering, Application Blocking, Email Filtering,Device Security & Power Management Tool. CybSecure can help organizations to safeguard employee internet misuse by blocking internet access to browsers, instant messengers etc.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $59
Downloads 864
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
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File Size 41.63 MB ( 42,632 KB )
Published Nov 18, 2009 (15 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

CybSecure is an internet filtering and application blocking tool. CybSecure can help organizations to safeguard employee internet misuse by blocking internet access to browsers, instant messengers etc.

CybSecure blocks access to illegal file downloads and it also provides you increased protection with its EXE and Window Blocker which will prevent the usage of mis-usable software. The Device Security feature provides you with additional protection against data theft by blocking USB and other storage devices which are a threat to company?s sensitive internal data.

With the Power Management feature integrated into CybSecure you can reduce the operating costs for energy and cooling which in turn will reduces the impact on environment.

CybSecure is designed to control all your computers from a remote location, be it from a computer at your office or be it from a computer at your home. CybSecure can maintain a hierarchical structure of your organization and there by making it easier to implement internet and application usage policies in various departments in your organization.

CybSecure can be installed on a single computer as a stand alone application and hence can also work as Parental Control software to keep your kids and family safe from Internet abuse.

CybSecure has maintained high levels of multiple security standards to ensure maximum protection against organizational policy offenders. This standard ensures that the CybSecure configuration is maintained even when the computer is not connected to your network, for instance, in cases of laptops provided to employees for field work. This makes CybSecure very reliable to use software.

CybSecure has also integrated data theft protection and power management capabilities. Using the Device Management security feature, data leaking devices like USB storage, CD/DVD and floppy diskettes in the computer can be locked. The Power Scheduler can turn ON/OFF the computers at specific times of a day.

Requirements: .NET 2.0
Release Info: Major Update on Mar 27, 2009
Release Notes: Email Filter,URL Filter,Block Games,Lock USB,Internet Filter,Block Downloads,Lock Devices,File Fitler,Remote Shutdown
Related Tags: Email Filter Web Filter Parental Control Internet Security Exe Blocking


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CybSecureTS is an Internet Filtering, Application Blocking and Email Filtering Tool. CybSecureTS can help organizations to safeguard employee internet misuse by blocking internet access to browsers, instant messengers etc.