GFI WebMonitor 10

GFI WebMonitor controls Internet access, reports on users? website browsing habits and downloads, and provides web security features such as antivirus and malware protection in real-time for businesses.

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License Shareware
Price $26
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 108.40 MB ( 111,000 KB )
Published Mar 09, 2011 (14 years ago)
Updated Nov 10, 2015 (9 years ago)

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Product Details

GFI WebMonitor monitors and controls Internet access, reports on users? website browsing habits and downloads, and provides web security features such as antivirus and malware protection in real time for SMBs by using multiple antivirus engines. Giving IT administrators and management a comprehensive view which can be used to enhance employee productivity and reduce cyber-slacking, its reporting capabilities allow companies to effectively enforce an Internet usage policy because restrictions can be placed on adult, social networking (Facebook, MySpace), online gaming, personal email and other non-work-related sites, as well as most types of chatting. A remote agent can also be installed on company laptops so that filtering policies can be applied even beyond the corporate network. GFI WebMonitor provides URL coverage for over 280,000,000 domains. Through user and site bandwidth monitoring features, the administrator has the ability to track download and upload traffic and the number of URL hits over time. Capabilities also include the prevention of data leakage through socially-engineered websites and the ability to interrupt or stop a connection in real time.

Requirements: Win 2000 (SP4) or 2003, IE 6 and .NET Framework 2.0, Win 7, Win vista
Release Info: New Release on Nov 03, 2015
Related Tags: web monitoring webmonitor web monitoring software internet usage monitoring web filtering


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