Attachments Processor for Outlook

The program can automatically extract attachments from incoming messages to save them to disk (they are replaced with a link to the file or with a text description), unpack archived attachments, and pack attachments in the outgoing messages.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $39
Downloads 1,460
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 6.51 MB ( 6,665 KB )
Published Jan 30, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Mar 16, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Attachment Processor is a powerful multifunctional manager of attached files in the Microsoft Outlook messages. The program can 1) automatically extract attachments from the incoming messages and save them to your hard disk (extracted attachments are replaced in the incoming message with a link to the file on the disk or a text file with an attachment description as well and a link to it); 2) automatically pack the attachments by ZIP in the outgoing messages; 3) create password-protected archives; 4) automatically pack by ZIP all incoming attachments or only specific attachment types; 5) automatically unzip all incoming attachments. Attachments Processor works in Simple and Advanced modes. In the Advanced mode the user can set up individual rules for processing attachments in different messages and folders. In both modes there are different schemes available: seven basic schemes for naming folders on the disk where attachments are saved and seven basic schemes for renaming attachments. Also, the Attachment Processor supports an elementary macro-language used for creating individual naming schemes. The program contains a utility for updating links in the message base of Microsoft Outlook. This utility is essential when the folder with attachments is moved to another location (folder or disk). Also, there is a utility for managing the list of attachment types, which are blocked by the Outlook security system (only for Internet Mail). Attachments blocked by the Microsoft Outlook security system can be saved on the hard drive. The program works both in manual and automatic modes.

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Requirements: Microsoft Outlook 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002
Release Info: Major Update on Feb 09, 2017
Release Notes: Compatibilty with Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 (KB2817430) is added.
Related Tags: msoutlook outlook addin addon plugin


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