Advanced Security for Outlook 2.30

Use Advanced Security for Outlook to learn what programs are trying to access Microsoft Outlook and permanently allow or deny access to the program next time it requests access. The action you choose for this program will be executed automatically.

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File Size 1.38 MB ( 1,410 KB )
Published Dec 20, 2004 (20 years ago)
Updated Jan 10, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Get rid of the annoying security alerts in Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002/XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013! Advanced Security for Outlook allows you to determine the violator and specify the permanent action for this program (and only this program!) : allow access, block access or run the default Outlook handler. In the future, the specified action will be executed automatically and Outlook Security will not annoy you with messages about trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Microsoft Outlook.

The standard security system has two drawbacks: first, it does not allow users to determine the source of the threat, and second, a lot of other applications developed before the security system appeared can be extremely annoying due to their constantly displayed warnings. Since the security system is constantly updated, a "fresh" program can access a list of such applications quite easily.

There is still yet another drawback resulting from the first two: when the user temporarily disables the security system this allows any other program also to work without any security system restrictions. Our software solves all of the above problems providing the information not only about the type of alert, but also about what program caused it and makes it possible to specify for this (and only this!) program a permanent course of action: allow access, block access or run the default Outlook handler. Later on you can change or delete the action chosen.

It should be mentioned that there is a range of tasks (which is rather narrow) that an Outlook developer can implement only through the use of the object model and its "blocked" methods. In this case, Advanced Security is an indispensable program when using such an application. This program has English, German and Russian interfaces.

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Requirements: Microsoft Outlook 2013 (32-bit), 2010 (32-bit), 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP)
Release Info: Major Update on Dec 04, 2016
Release Notes: Support for Microsoft Office 2013 x86 Service Pack 1 has been added.
Related Tags: security alert microsoft outlook program is trying to access outlook object model security guard alert investigation


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