Modelweaver 3.00 for Windows 3.00

Modelweaver creates Flash/QTVR/Java 3D object interactive VR movies

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License Shareware
Price $149.95
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name modelweaver300.exe
File Size 35.00 MB ( 35,839 KB )
Published May 27, 2008 (17 years ago)
Updated Apr 07, 2011 (14 years ago)

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Product Details

Modelweaver 3.00 is an easy-to-use, and powerful 3D object movie creating program, which can help the user to create high quality 3D, interactive VR object movies quickly. It can be used in the fields of products, garments, collections, arts and crafts, antiques and other objects they want to display vividly on the Internet or CD.

New features of Modelweaver 3.00
1. Support Flash output
2. No limit to the dimension of the viewer in the publish settings.
3. The flash output is compatible with Tourweaver 3.00.
4. New means of activation

Modelweaver provides solutions to:
1. Capture object images automatically from your digital still cameras straight into your computer;
2. Capture video from your FireWire(tm)-enabled camcorder straight into your computer;
3. Enable you to edit, optimize and preview the your 3D object movies;
4. Create and publish your 3D object movies as java applet embeded html pages, QTVR and Flash.

To use Modelweaver 3.00, a Digital Video Camera and a Turntable, such as Kaidan Motorized PiXi?-M Turntable, are necessary. It provides an extremely easy automatic approach of creating professional 3D Object Movie, and has the functions of:
1. The ability to use a FireWire?-enabled digital video camera to automatically capture the object images and then create the 3D VR object (The user can also utilize existing images or video captured by digital video cameras or still digital cameras.)
Note: Digital still cameras can be used if they have a video mode.
2. Enabling the user to edit, optimize and preview the quality of the 3D images.
3. Enabling the end user to observe the object in every direction and interactively control the VR object with the mouse
4. Creating the 3D object movies in Modelweaver Applet (a java applet embedded in html page, no plug-in required), QuickTime? VR(QTVR) format or Flash format in order to publish the 3D Objects to a web server or CD.

Requirements: PIII800MHz, 128 MB RAM , Video display of 800*600 pixels, FireWire(tm) (iEEE1394)-enabled
Release Info: New Release on Mar 26, 2008
Related Tags: 3d object movie vr software


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