Diskeeper Professional 2011

Diskeeper is a fast, simple solution designed to optimize the performance of your PC, while maximizing file access speeds. Diskeeper is the only solution that can prevent performance-robbing fragmentation before it happens, so your PC is always fast.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $59.95
Downloads 4,891
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 40.53 MB ( 41,504 KB )
Published Jun 20, 2011 (14 years ago)
Updated Dec 12, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Diskeeper 2011 performance software is a fast, simple solution designed to optimize the performance and reliability of your PC, while maximizing your file access speeds. If you are simply relying on the built-in (or nothing at all) to handle your disk fragmentation, your PC is not running at peak speeds.

The Windows operating system stores data on the hard disk by breaking files into pieces all around the disk - tens, hundreds, even thousands of pieces per file, so every computer suffers from fragmentation!

Diskeeper is the only solution that can prevent performance-robbing fragmentation before it happens, so your PC is always fast - every minute of every day.

Diskeeper will automatically line up all of your files side-by-side, so everything runs faster. As new files are written to the disk, they too are saved without fragmentation, so you experience faster applications, web browsing, boot-up, backup, AV scans and so much more. The best part, it works automatically so once installed you don't have to do a thing!

Diskeeper 2011 Professional includes: IntelliWrite fragmentation prevention technology, Instant Defrag technology, Efficient Mode and I-FAAST file optimization technology - for up to 80% faster file access speeds.

Diskeeper 2011 Professional will:
-Cure and prevent performance-robbing fragmentation so your PC is always fast.
-Increase the speed, performance and reliability of your PC - automatically.
-Speed up PC Boot-up, Backup, Web Browsing, Applications and so much more.
-Increase file access speeds - by as much as 80%.
-Increase the longevity of your hard drive, so it lasts up to 3 years longer.
-Consolidate free space - so your files can be written side-by-side.
-Minimize resource usage - by targeting & eliminating problem fragmentation.
-Prevent fragmentation-related PC slows, lags and crashes.
-Reduce I/O activity for fastest read and write speeds.
-Reduce file corruption and data loss.

Requirements: Intel X86
Release Info: Major Update on Mar 22, 2011
Release Notes: Prevention of fragmentation
Related Tags: fragmentation defragmentation defrag slow computer slow pc


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Diskeeper 2010 Professional

When fragmentation occurs, the system has already wasted precious I/O resources by writing fragmented files to many spaces on the disk instead of contiguously to one spot. Now you can prevent up to 85% of the fragmentation written to disk.

Diskeeper 2011 Home

Diskeeper 2011 Home performance software is a simple fix for a slow PC. And the only solution that pre-emptively handles crash-inducing fragmentation before it causes computer slows. Download free defrag trial and increase your computer speed now.


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