Diskeeper 2011 Home 2011

Diskeeper 2011 Home performance software is a simple fix for a slow PC. And the only solution that pre-emptively handles crash-inducing fragmentation before it causes computer slows. Download free defrag trial and increase your computer speed now.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $39.95
Downloads 4,042
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 40.43 MB ( 41,400 KB )
Published May 19, 2011 (14 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Slow Computer? Everyone wants a fast computer. The problem is, most PCs start out fast and then over time start to experience PC slows, lags and crashes. But why? Put simply--fragmentation. Every time you save at file, surf the internet or access email on your computer you are creating fragmented files. This is a natural occurrence and happens each and every time you use your computer. All computers suffer from fragmentation - where files are broken up and scattered all across your disk drives. Fragmentation leads to overall slow performance, as it takes longer to read, write and save files. The good news is there is a simple solution that will keep your PC faster, more reliable, more energy efficient and last up to 3 years longer - automatically. Diskeeper 2011 performance software is the only solution that proactively cures and prevents the majority of performance-robbing fragmentation before it happens, and then instantly defrags the rest - without any effort on your part. By proactively preventing up to 85% of fragmentation before it happens and then defragging any remaining fragments instantly, you will never have to access slow, fragmented files ever again. Your PC performance is restored to like-new speeds without any user intervention. When your files are neatly stored end-to-end without fragmentation, everything is faster; email, web browsing, applications, computer start-up, file backup and so much more. Why replace your slow computer, when you can fix your slow PC for a fraction of the cost? Just by running Diskeeper on your system you can extend the life expectancy of your computer by up to 3 additional years, saving you money by eliminating unnecessary upgrades and replacement costs. Since your PC doesn't have to work as hard to perform the same tasks, less wear and tear occurs. With Diskeeper 2011, your computer simply runs better than new all the time. Try this free defrag trial for 30 days and see for yourself what it can do for your slow computer.

Requirements: Intel X86
Release Info: Major Update on Mar 22, 2011
Release Notes: What's new in this version: Diskeeper 2011 Home also includes new "just in time" Instant Defrag technology to eliminate any fragmentation that wasn't prevented within seconds or milliseconds of occurring. Now you will never have to access slow, fragmented files ever again.
Related Tags: defrag defragment slow performance free defrag free defragger


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