DriverMax 9.37
Driver update for any hardware device! Update your Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or Windows XP computer easily and automatically. Find drivers even for devices that Windows doesn't recognize and backup or restore all your installed drivers.
Product Specifications
User Rating: | item has less then 1 vote |
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Submitted by: | innovative | |
Homepage | Visit Homepage | |
License | Freeware | |
Price | $0.00 | |
Downloads | 2,956 | |
OS Support | Windows Install and Uninstall | |
File Name | drivermax.exe | |
File Size | 5.77 MB ( 5,906 KB ) | |
Published | Aug 10, 2007 (17 years ago) | |
Updated | Aug 02, 2017 (7 years ago) |
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Product Details
After you click a single button DriverMax scans your PC's hardware devices, finds the best driver version for each of your PC's devices and if you choose so, can download and update the drivers. It can even find the right drivers for devices that Windows doesn't recognize.
DriverMax can also backup the drivers you have installed on your system to a single .ZIP file. This is especially useful when reinstalling Windows - just backup all your drivers, reinstall Windows, and then reinstall all your drivers in a single step which takes a few minutes. This makes reinstalling Windows hassle-free - you no longer have to waste time searching for old driver installation CDs and insert them one by one.
With DriverMax, finding and updating drivers for your PC is easy, fast and automatic.
Requirements: | Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows XP or Windows Vista, 10 MB free disk space |
Release Info: | Major Update on Aug 01, 2017 |
Release Notes: | Driver update for any hardware device, now with a brand new interface plus faster downloads. |
Related Tags: | driver update driver download driver update install |
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