Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control 3.0

Make your projects look sophisticated with Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control

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License Shareware
Price $29.95
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 5.23 MB ( 5,355 KB )
Published Jun 24, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated May 27, 2012 (13 years ago)

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Product Details

Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control is a component that includes two dialogs: color selection dialog and gradient filling dialog. The component is easy to use and implement in your projects. You will save time, money and get excellent results! Our component supports Alpha-channel technology to let you choose transparency level for the chosen color and allows editing gradients - a great opportunity to make your project look more sophisticated and professional. It contains dialog pages for different color models (7 dialog pages for HSB model, a dialog page for RGB model) and history of 12 selected colors. Absolute Color Picker AcitveX Control is designed with simplicity in mind and could be easily integrated into most of contemporary IDEs (Intergated Development Environment) such as Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, Microsoft Visual Basic/C++, Boland Delphi, CBuilder etc. Extensive methods and properties description, code examples will help any level programmer to master it at zero-time thus saving a great amount of efforts on project development. Color selection dialog provides convenient and simple interface for choosing a color. Also, you can choose any color model you like among HSB Brightness, HSB Radial, HSB Hue, RGB 3D Sphere, HSB Hue2, HSB Pens, HSB Hexagons and HSB Palettes. Color selection dialog contains nine tabs logically connected to each other. You can choose any color you like on one tab, change color saturation and brightness on the other one, and change the saturation of the red or any other of the color?s constituents on the third one. Compared to the standard color selection dialog (TColorDialog or its analog) this component has a number of extensions, such as the ability to set a color in HSB system, to support 32-byte colors with half-transparency. Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control is as easy to use as a standard color selection dialog. Having tried the component you won?t ever want to use anything else.

Requirements: Processor: Pentium II class at least 300 MHz; RAM: 128 MB; Disk Space: 3 MB of initial free disk space
Release Info: New Release on May 11, 2005
Release Notes: Full Visual Studio Designer Support; Full Borland Designer Support; Full Web Designer Support. Can be used in any environment that supports COM-objects or in .NET via COM interoperability; Full support of Windows XP visual themes
Related Tags: color picker color picker component color picker activeX color selection dialog gradient filling dialog


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