BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control 4.87

Create single barcodes, pages of labels, or mail merge documents in Microsoft Word. Convert cells to barcodes or full sheets of labels directly in Excel. Easily create auto-incrementing barcodes. Add barcodes to your Access Reports.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Price $149
Downloads 2,773
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 4.56 MB ( 4,669 KB )
Published Mar 29, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Dec 15, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Create single barcodes, pages of labels, or mail merge documents in Microsoft Word.
Convert cells to barcodes or full sheets of labels directly in Excel. Easily create auto-incrementing barcodes.
Add barcodes to your Access Reports.
Choose from 23 types of barcodes, both linear (1D) and 2D.
If you are a programmer, add barcodes to your application. Compatible with many programming environments, such as .NET, VC++, VB6, VBA, Delphi, and others. Both 32 and 64-bit versions are provided.
Compatible with every version of Microsoft Office from 97 through 2013.

Requirements: Pentium 75
Release Info: Major Update on Aug 16, 2014
Release Notes: Updates to macros and better compatibility with Office 2013 on Windows 8.
Related Tags: barcode ActiveX barcode print barcode bar code barcode Excel


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