Simple Home Budget

Simple Home Budget is a personal budget manager for home users. It'll let you analyze income and expenses in the graphic chart and help you pinpoint costs and areas of excessive expenditure to control your finances more efficiently.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $29.99
Downloads 1,008
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 3.24 MB ( 3,322 KB )
Published Apr 28, 2008 (17 years ago)
Updated Feb 24, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Simple Home Budget is a personal budget manager for home users. The program lets you enter transactions of all kinds and analyze income and expenses shown in the summary color-coded Overview chart. At a glance, you'll see what you have and will have coming in, going out, and most importantly, what's left over each month to spend or save. It'll help you pinpoint costs and areas of excessive expenditure and control your finances better.

Simple Home Budget opens to the main window with the sidebar and tabbed main area. The sidebar shows the calendar to select an active month of data, the form to add new transactions and totals of income, expenses and net income for a selected month, as well as expected totals for scheduled transactions. The tabbed area provides a quick access to transactions for a selected month or day, recurring transactions, summarized monthly view of income and expense by categories and graphic overview for a year. Thanks to the intuitive design, the majority of data entry and maintenance operations are less than two mouse clicks away!

Adding a new transaction is remarkably easy. Quickly add a new one-time or recurring transaction from the sidebar form or the 'New' dialog on the toolbar, specify the type of transaction: Expense, Income, or Refund. Then select the start date, the category, enter comments and finally set up the amount. That's it. Now the transaction record is displayed in the list of all transactions and in the Overview chart, showing your current financial position and progress for 12 months. You can edit, delete, search or print transactions easily.

Other important features let you switch between databases, back up and restore the database. The program has nothing that could annoy the user. There are no banners, no ads embedded in icons, no links to sponsors luring you into buying the products or services you do not need - nothing that has no practical value for managing your budget.

Requirements: No specific requirements
Release Info: Major Update on Nov 17, 2018
Release Notes: Maintenance release
Related Tags: home budget software budgeting software simple home budget family finance software personal finance software


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