Swift To-Do List 10.2

Number one to-do list software for Windows suitable for personal and business use. Powerful yet simple and easy to use. Features include: To-do list tree with icons, recurrent tasks, reminders, runs from USB drive, great export & printing and more!

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $99.0
Downloads 1,026
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name swifttodolist.exe
File Size 30.05 MB ( 30,768 KB )
Published Sep 08, 2005 (19 years ago)
Updated Feb 22, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Number one to-do list software for Windows suitable for personal and business use. All your tasks and notes in one place. Powerful yet simple and easy to use. Can be used as a light-weight project management tool.

Swift To-Do List has many unique features and it has been developed and improved for more than 8 years. No other tool even comes close.

Swift To-Do List has all the features you will ever need, but it is still simple and easy to use. The supported features include:
- Both for tasks and notes
- Organize to-do lists hierarchically in a tree with icons
- Subtasks support, break down complex tasks into small action steps
- Zero learning time, superbly intuitive and easy to use
- All the fields you will need. Fully hide any fields that you don't need (unique feature!). Supported fields include: Task Name, Priority, Type, Due Date, Start Date, Completion Date, Context, Assigned To, Time Estimate, Time Spent, Percent Done, Status, Creation Date and Last Changed Date.
- Incredible reminder support. Set reminder for any of your tasks easily.
- Recurring tasks support
- Runs from USB thumb-drive
- Task attachments
- Tasks archive (view history, recover deleted tasks)
- Reorder your tasks and to-do lists easily using drag & drop
- Clipboard support (copy, cut & paste your tasks, notes and to-do lists)
- Undo/redo
- Flexible export & printing options
- Helpful view modes and filters
- Work with multiple tasks at once
- Email your tasks
- Fully customize anything (not just the whole interface, but the inbuilt task priorities, etc)
- Protect your database with strong encryption
- You can hide any unneeded features to keep the program simple and lightweight (unique feature!)
- And much(!) more

Swift To-Do List is the best tool to enhance your productivity and to get organized. There is nothing else like it. Why don't you find out why thousands of happy customers are so enthusiastic about it? Just download the free trial and see for yourself.

Requirements: None
Release Info: New Release on Feb 21, 2017
Release Notes: New major version: 100+ new features, many improvements. Completely new generation of Swift To-Do List.
Related Tags: to-do list to do list todo list task list task management


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