Chat Anywhere 2.82

Chat Anywhere is a chat server software for websites and intranets

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $199
Downloads 516
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name ca_setup.exe
File Size 2.13 MB ( 2,177 KB )
Published May 04, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Dec 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Chat Anywhere is a chat server software for real-time chatting. You can use it both on a LAN and on the internet. You can easily build one or more web-based chat rooms on your computer or on your website server. Anyone on the network can visit your web-based chatroom via an internet browser -- Thus, they needn't install Chat Anywhere or any other client software. You can even kick an abusive user out of your chatroom and you can set forbidden IP's so unwelcomed visitors are banned from your chat room. You can easily customize the appearance of your chatroom to suit any occasion.

Unlike other web-based chatrooms, you needn't install any web server (IIS/Apache/etc, very difficult to control for most users) because this software is not only a chat server but also a simple web server in and of itself. Unlike other chat messagers, all chatters don't have to install any special 'client software' (like ICQ) because a browser is enough. So you can use Chat Anywhere individually and flexibly. Where ever you are, where ever you go, if you can let your computer connect to a network, you can build your chatroom within seconds and then you can chat with other individuals in the network immediately.

Almost all functions you can find in other web-based chatrooms have been included in Chat Anywhere. You can easily customize the appearance of your chat room without any programming knowledge. And you are the master of the chatroom. So please enjoy the role as much as you like. For example you can kick some bothersome person out of your chat room or refuse to let unwelcome guys visit your chatroom by setting their IP as "forbidden".

Requirements: Typical Win95 machine
Release Info: Minor Update on Aug 02, 2006
Release Notes: The new version fixed a bug on displaying the user list for Firefox
Related Tags: chat anywhere chatanywhere chat server chat software chat room server


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