4Media PowerPoint to DVD Personal

4Media PowerPoint to DVD Personal is able to convert most formats of PPT, like ppt, pptx, pptm, ppsx, pps, ppsm, potx, potm and pot to not only DVD discs, but you can also create ISO files and DVD folders from PPTs to satisfy different requirements.

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License Shareware
Price $59.99
Downloads 639
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name m-powerpoint-to-dvd.exe
File Size 99.80 MB ( 102,198 KB )
Published Oct 13, 2010 (14 years ago)
Updated Dec 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

4Media PowerPoint to DVD Personal is able to convert most formats of PPT, like ppt, pptx, pptm, ppsx, pps, ppsm, potx, potm and pot to not only DVD discs, but you can also create ISO files and DVD folders from PPTs to satisfy different requirements.

1.Convert most PPT formats, like ppt, pptx, pptm, ppsx, pps, ppsm, potx, potm and pot formats with high-efficiency and fine-quality.
2.Besides convert PPT files to DVD discs, it also can convert PPT files into ISO files and DVD folders for different demands.
3.Support multiple DVD formats in mainstream, including DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL, DVD-5 and DVD-9.
4.You are free to create your DVD menu based on scores of menu templates in edit menu panel. You can also add background music and picture to perfect the displaying effect and appearance.
5.It is your choice to maintain the original pattern and format of the PPTs after conversion, but you are also allowed to add background music and watermark to differ your PPT with diversification. You can also record commentary to PPTs during rehearsal process.
6.With auto-play option, your PPT presentation would be done smoothly and you are permitted to set the session length between slides which saving the trouble of flipping over pages manually. Also, loop play is available in this mode.
7.In this mode, you can jump to any slide freely during the PPT presentation and stay for a while to make further explanation.
8.You can have a clear and thorough view on slides in a DVD play, thumbnail list mode and outline list mode are provided for you to select according to personal preference. Manual-play mode only.
9.Provides several options for personalization of your DVD burning, like TV standard, aspect ratio and video quality settings.
10.Before burring PPTs to DVDs, you can setup values of volume label, write speed, copy number to maximize the efficiency.
11.Background running, post-task actions and multi-lingual interfaces are available.

Requirements: 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above; 256MB RAM; 80MB space for installation
Release Info: Minor Update on Nov 15, 2010
Related Tags: ppt to dvd powerpoint to dvd convert ppt to dvd burn ppt to dvd ppt to dvd converter


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