Stellar Smart - Monitor Hard Drive Performance 2.2.1

Stellar SMART is a comprehensive utility that continuously runs in the background to monitor the health status of your hard drive. The software meticulously warns if there is a possibility of any disk failure or other disk-related problems

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Price $49
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name smrt.exe
File Size 1.76 MB ( 1,802 KB )
Published Apr 07, 2006 (19 years ago)
Updated Dec 15, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Stellar SMART provides an easy yet effective solution to monitor the heath and performance of any Windows based hard disk. The utility silently runs in the background and issues warning messages if it senses a disk failure or other similar disk-related problem. It helps to prevent permanent loss of crucial information due to a hard disk crash. The software has no impact on the performance of your system.

With Stellar SMART, you can easily gather all details about your hard disk drive. The software provides basic disk information (Total Sectors, Number of Cylinders, Number of Heads, Disk Size, etc.) as well as its SMART attributes (Spin Up Time, Write Error Count, Raw Read Error Rate, etc.). The hard disk diagnostic utility alerts you against any impending hard disk failures by showing various warning pop-ups or sending warning messages. You can set a temperature at which the tool will send you a warning message, the temperature to shut down the system, and the email ids for sending/receiving messages. The software shows you a graphical representation of the temperature fluctuation of the hard disk. The yellow line denotes the temperature to send warning messages and pop-ups, whereas the red line indicates the temperature to shut down the system. With the help of this utility, you can also view the current or average CPU usage and the data transfer rate of the disk.

Stellar SMART allows scheduling regular disk checking operations. You may choose to run these tasks after fixed time periods, ranging from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. In addition, you can set the number of log files that would be created (from 1 to 10) for each task. The hard disk monitoring tool thoroughly scans the entire media to display all the good and bad blocks. It shows the good blocks in green color and the damaged blocks in red. The software also has the ability to clone your hard disk drive to a new healthy one. The destination hard disk should be larger in size than the source hard disk.

Requirements: RAM:32MB RAM , 10 MB Free Space
Release Info: New Release on Jan 05, 2009
Release Notes: Not Applicable. . . .
Related Tags: drive monitor disk monitor hard drive monitor Hard drive diagnostic Hard drive diagnostic software


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