Sound Normalizer 7.5

The Sound Normalizer increases, reduce, improves, regains a volume and file size without losing ID3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg tags of Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC and Wav files.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $28
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name SoundNormalizer.exe
File Size 8.43 MB ( 8,634 KB )
Published Apr 18, 2007 (18 years ago)
Updated Feb 19, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Have you ever noticed that when listening through your collection of Mp3s, one file will sound great, while the next will sound much louder and lower in quality, while your output settings all remain the same? Sound Normalizer is an excellent program to help correct this problem. It performs an analysis of the entire audio file, whether .mp3 or. wav, and picks up the channel imbalances or where the volume is inappropriately too high. You can then use this information to adjust the track to smooth out or "normalize" the audio, providing a cleaner, and balanced sound, for all your music files. Sound Normalizer has a Windows XP Explorer based interface, so is very familiar and easy to navigate. From this interface you can perform the "normalization" tasks, as well as convert audio files from .mp3 to .wav, and vice versa, using the Lame encoder. This application also supports ID3 tags, allowing you to be sure all your audio files have the proper song name, album name, artist, and as a result, appear in their appropriate position in your playlists, however you decide they should be sorted. Sound Normalizer has a 30-day free trial period, an afterwards is available for only $19.99 a nominal fee for a piece of software that it is entirely reasonable to imagine yourself using on a regular basis.

The Sound Normalizer increases, reduce, improves, regains a volume and file size without losing ID3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg tags of Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC and Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2, OGG, A-LAW, u-LAW) files. It is reached by the test and normalization of the volume level of Mp3, Mp4, Wav, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC files.
It contains batch processor, which allows to fulfill the batch test, batch normalization and batch converting of Mp3, Mp4, Wav, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC files.
The volume level is represented graphically in percentage or decibels (dB).
The Mp4, Wav, Ogg, APE, AAC and FLAC normalization and test is fulfilled on a peak level (Peak Normalization) and on an average level (RMS normalization).
The Mp3 normalization and test is fulfilled on an average level (RMS normalization).
The Mp3 Normalizer allows to modify the volume of a scanned file directly without usage tags.
The Sound Normalizer also allows editing ID3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg Tags, converting Mp3, Mp4, Wav, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC files using Lame MP3 Encoder 3.99.2, FLAC Encoder 1.2.1, Monkey's Audio Encoder 4.11, Ogg Vorbis Encoder 1.3.2 (aoTuV 6.03), FAAC Encoder 1.28, listening Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC, Wav files using the build-in audio player.
Here are some key features of "Sound Normalizer":
Batch processor for Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2) files;
Batch normalizing for Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2) files;
Batch converting for Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2) files;
Batch test for Mp3, Mp4, FLAC, Ogg, APE, AAC, Wav (PCM 8, 16, 24, 32 bits, DSP, GSM, IMA ADPCM, MS ADPCM, AC3, MP3, MP2) files.

Requirements: Sound Card. Administrative permissions.
Release Info: Minor Update on Feb 18, 2017
Release Notes: Improved support of FLAC Tags for FLAC files. Improved support of Wave files. Fixed bugs.
Related Tags: mp3 converter free mp4 aac normalizer mp3 normalizer


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