Score Tracker and Team Optimizer 1.2.0

Create database of player scores. View players? scores, count of scores, score totals, and average score. Create groups (teams) of players, where each group either has the closest possible match between people within a team or between teams.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $19.98
Downloads 709
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name toarc.exe
File Size 0.47 MB ( 486 KB )
Published Feb 25, 2009 (16 years ago)
Updated Dec 15, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Score Tracker and Team Optimizer is a program that allows you to input any number of scores for any number of players. Typical scores you might keep track of are bowlers or golfers scores. You can view a list of these scores of each player, along with information on the number of scores, the total of the scores, and the average score of the player. You can also get a summary of all the players together, giving the number of scores, sum of the scores, and average score of each player (but not individual scores). This makes the program useful for general record keeping. However, Team Optimizer can do more. Once it has a list of players and their scores, it can create groups or teams using these players, where each group will either have the greatest possible similarity between people within a team or between teams. "Greatest possible similarity between people within a team" means that difference between average player scores is the smallest for all the teams. This can be useful, for example, in dividing up 16 golfers into 4 foursomes so that the players in each foursome have similar scores. "Greatest possible similarity between people between teams" means that the teams are good matches against each other. You might use this, for example, if you wanted to divide 8 bowlers into two teams of four to compete against each other. Score Tracker and Team Optimizer can print the results of your calculations. Note: If you have numbers that directly represent a player's ability, such as a golf handicap or a chess ranking, you can use these numbers instead of actual scores to allow Team Optimizer to create the optimal groups.

Requirements: none
Release Info: New Release on Feb 14, 2008
Related Tags: teams players sports optimize scores


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