Leithauser's Profile

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Products submitted by Leithauser

Clock Guard 10.0.0

Software program that prevents tampering with (changing) the computer clock

Date Calculator 7.3.0

Performs various calendar related calculations. Displays calendar for any month of any year. Calculates number of days between any two dates, date X days from any date. Apointment reminder.

Information Retriever 2.2.0

Store and retrieve data (phone numbers, addresses, credit card information, etc.) with handles. Once you input a piece of data and a handle, you can recall that data by inputting any piece of that handle or data, like part of a name.

CRT Energy Saver 1.0.0

Saves energy with CRT monitors by blacking out areas of the screen that are not in use for 10 seconds while continuing to display any running programs. Blacked out area returns to normal when you move the mouse over it. Don?t use with LCD monitors.

Golf Handicapper 8.0.0

Golf Handicapper is a?program that stores any number of scores for any number of players. It automatically calculates the handicap, net score, and index for each game for each player. Uses the slope method, and can be used with multiple golf courses.

Score Tracker and Team Optimizer 1.2.0

Create database of player scores. View players? scores, count of scores, score totals, and average score. Create groups (teams) of players, where each group either has the closest possible match between people within a team or between teams.

Password Shield 2.5.0

Protect passwords. Let employees input passwords to secure sites without knowing them. Log who accesses which sites. Prevent many spyware keyloggers from seeing passwords.

Countdown Clock 1.1

Displays clock on your desktop counting down years, days, hours, minutes, seconds to any event. New Years Eve midnight and Christmas day are preprogrammed. Custom events can be created. Pops up announcement when event arrives.

No-Keys 7.0.0

Onscreen computer keyboard. Type with a mouse or similar device. Scan option also provided. Keys typed go to other program selected by the user. Intended for people who cannot use a keyboard. Also useful for touch screen computers.

Computer Rental Controller 6.5.0

Sell or rent time on the computer for Internet Caf?s or computer kiosks. Create passwords to sell that can be used once for a set time to access the computer, or passwords that record use of the computer by each person so you can bill them.

Draw-On-Screen 1.0.0

Draw images (circles, arrows, etc.) on your Windows screen that appear in front of whatever programs are running. Useful to emphasis or clarify the text or diagrams on the screen when giving a presentation by projecting a computer screen.

Computer Payment Enforcer 6.1.0

Input information on when to lock computer. When a lock day arrives, Computer Payment Enforcer totally blocks access to the computer until the user inputs a code that you provide. Create as many lock dates as you like.

Option Profit Calculator 2.1.0

Compare stock or option transactions. Input transaction data. Calculates profit from transactions, potential loss, annualized profit (in dollars and as percentage), and annualized potential loss. Factors in commission fees. Stores results.

Computer Use Reporter 3.1.0

Find out what your employees or children are doing on the computer. Record program title bars convertly, read them later or real time.

Software Time Lock 6.8.0

Control when and how long the Internet, specific computer programs, and the computer itself can be used each day of the week

Time Difference Calculator 1.1.0

Calculate the hours, and minutes between two dates and times. Display the time difference both as days, hours, and minutes and entirely as hours and minutes. Also calculate the date and time X hours and Y minutes before or after a date and time.

Drive Blocker 2.0.0

Block & disable removable drives (flash drives, etc.) & drives that use removable disks (CD's, floppies). User selected password required to access removable media. Stop data theft, installation of unauthorized software. Reduce virus infections.

Program Selector Pro 2000/XP 4.9.1

Replaces standard Windows 2000/XP user interface (task bar, Start button, and icons) with user-configurable password-protected list box of program names. Individual programs can also be password protected. Provides access control for computers.

Settings Lock 2.7.0

Password protect 13 Windows settings and functions: Computer time and date, System Restore, Video display properties, Internet Options, Add/Remove Programs, User Accounts, Windows Security Center, System Properties, Add Hardware Wizard, etc.

Fast Form Filler 4.0.0

Save a list of phrases (your name, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.). Fast Form Filler then displays a list of the stored phrases. Click on a phrase and then on an input box on a Web page or program, and Fast Form Filler types the phrase for you.

Web Site Zapper 9.2.0

Web Site Zapper closes Web browsers displaying undesirable Web sites. It can be used either for popup control, or to control Internet access. It can either close down any site on the bad site list, or close down any site NOT on the good site list.

Program Sentry 2.1.0

Provides access control and usage management. Allows you to either create a list of blocked programs or a list of allowed programs. Individual programs can be password protected.

Web Surfer Watcher 1.0.0

Records what Web sites have been viewed on your computer. Web Surfer Watcher operates hidden in the background, recording Web site titles and URLs (addresses) of Web sites.

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