Golf Tracker 5.1

Golf Tracker is a free golf statistics program that allows you to record and monitor information on your golf game. Scores are tracked and averages calculation on information like birdies, fairways hit, greens reached, etc.

Product Specifications

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License Freeware
Price $0.00
Downloads 940
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name gtdl.exe
File Size 0.82 MB ( 836 KB )
Published Nov 13, 2005 (19 years ago)
Updated Dec 17, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

In a game where every stroke can mean winning or losing, it?s good to know all you can about your golf game. Where you are improving, but also where you need to practice. Golf Tracker software is a tool designed to help avid golfers track every aspect of their game. From average drive length to number of putts to average score on par 4?s, Golf Tracker can give you statistics that will reveal your shortcomings and strengths. A number of various stats can be tracked for each hole you play. Golf statistics include drive length, greens in regulation, number of putts, water balls, bunkers, out of bounds, lost balls, and strokes. Then the golf software will compile them and provide you with totals and averages. Of course golf handicap and average score are a part of this, but also other stats from average number of lost balls to the number of times you?ve been in the bunker. These stats can be sorted by golf course so you can compare how you are doing overall versus how you score on your home golf course. Other features include print outs of score cards and rounds as well as pictures for each round. The program is easy to use and click through and enter golf rounds as well as check out stats. You can sort rounds by date, score, and golf course. Golf Tracker includes help to get you started and is a full freeware program with no limited functions. Get your swing in gear and get a full view of your golf game with this software.

Requirements: 16MB DRAM
Release Info: Minor Update on Jun 02, 2011
Release Notes: Minor bug fixes.
Related Tags: golf stats tracker handicap score


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