Science Toolbar Icons 2013.1

Develop great-looking scientific software faster with a collection of scientific icons. Science Toolbar Icons depict objects and symbols used in science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, and many more.

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Price $79.95
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OS Support Windows No Install Support
File Size 4.12 MB ( 4,220 KB )
Published May 08, 2008 (17 years ago)
Updated Dec 17, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Develop slick and professional scientific or engineering software or Web sites faster and easier with a comprehensive collection of scientific icons. Science Toolbar Icons depict common objects and symbols used in various fields of science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, various mathematical symbols, Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more.

Scientific projects are not all about calculations. Hence Science Toolbar Icons includes symbols and objects that are not directly related to science, such as About, Question, Query, Info, Warning, Help, Search, Hints, Newspaper, Library, and even Telephone Directory shall you need one in your books.

Science Toolbar Icons save your time and money spent on ordering or developing your own icons for the project. Designed as a matching set, Science Toolbar Icons share common colors and gamma, forming a unique, easily recognizable style. Designed by professional software engineers specializing in Human Interface Development, Science Toolbar Icons are perfectly usable. The icons from the scientific set are easily recognizable even in their smallest sizes. The neutral colors are neither too bright nor too dull at just a perfect saturation, causing no eye strain to the users of your software.

Everyone's requirements are different. Various sizes and resolutions, different color depths and styles of the graphics are often required to release a single project. Science Toolbar Icons are available in sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels, and are supplied in 16 and 256 colors, as well as slick 32-bit True Color versions. Each icon from the scientific set comes in three states: normal, disabled, and highlighted. Science Toolbar Icons are supplied in Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats. Full-size previews of Science Toolbar Icons are available on the Perfect Icons Web site.

Release Info: Major Update on Mar 12, 2013
Release Notes: New icons were added to the Science Toolbar Icons set: Drugs, Script, Skull, Robot, Gantt chart, Function, Pills,m Einshtein, DNA, Design, Counter, Color test tubes, Chemist, Diagram 3d, Pill, Cards, Bug, Binary data, Balance, Bacteria and Gloved hand.
Related Tags: professional icons graphics scientific applications


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