Mind Pad 3.1

Mind Pad allows to create mind and concept maps basing not just on creating and linking text blocks. Mind Pad allows organize objects with any properties set in maps. With Mind Pad scripting you are able to create your own rules for data management.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $60
Downloads 538
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name mind-pad-setup.exe
File Size 3.19 MB ( 3,266 KB )
Published Feb 17, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Mind Pad is a .NET mind and concept mapping software for Windows.

If you ever asked for simplicity of mind or concept mapping and for map topics with some properties that are right for your business needs, then Mind Pad is a great tool to start with.

Creating and linking text blocks is easy with Mind Pad. But it can do more. Mind Pad allows you to organize in mind map objects with any properties set. With Mind Pad scripting you can create your own rules for data management and representation.

For instance, with Mind Pad Model Editor you can easily create an object called ?Contact Person? and assign to it some really useful properties, such as Person name, Company name, Next time to contact date. Then you can create a mind map using ?Contact Person? frame object and link new objects with each other showing the relation between your contacts.

You can create your own knowledge management system using Mind Pad scripting and macros functions. For these purpose Mind Pad supports Visual Basic .NET.

Managing objects' and links' formatting is easy with Mind Pad object-oriented approach. You can use a frame or link styles, specify colors, text settings and other. When you need to create a new object you just tell Mind Pad what style it should use for this object or link.

The most great idea of Mind Pad: Mind Pad is easy to use software. As long as it supports powerful object oriented-methodology and scripting, it's very simple software. It's easy to use it for every day mind mapping.

If you really want to make use of powerful object-oriented mind mapping, then you should spend some time and learn how to create a frame objects using Model Editor. This object should have all properties you need to represent some data in mind map.

If you ever asked for a simple looking mind map with ability to create some editable properties for your topics then Mind Pad is what you was looking for.

Please, visit www.mind-pad.com for more information.

Requirements: MS Framework 1.1 or higher
Release Info: Major Update on Jun 22, 2009
Release Notes: New in version 2.6: -- Fit to page function when printing map (see File > Page Setup) -- Handy frames re-arranging (see Reorder children in Workspace menu) -- Drag-and-drop files from desktop. Frame with file's icon and link to file will be created. -- Passing any frame parameter to URL (try this for text property: http://www.mind-pad.com/%text%) -- Handy styles management (double click on style to assign it to the frame) -- More free space on your workspace
Related Tags: Mind Pad AKS-Labs mind map mind mapping concept map


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