Image Recognition Web Test Plugin 4.31

It is the world's first technology that allows you to automate and test web sites using images instead of cumbersome X/Y coordinates. It relies only upon the images that are rendered in the browser, regardless of the technology that created them.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $998
Downloads 614
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name IIM-IR-Plugin-Setup.exe
File Size 0.38 MB ( 389 KB )
Published Jul 18, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 17, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

The Image Recognition Plugin is a powerful add-on that uses machine vision technology for web testing sites that contain non-HTML elements. The Plugin supports Flash applets, Java applets, Movie Player Applets, ActiveX, and all other controls.

The Image Recognition Plugin is the world's first technology that allows you to automate and test web sites using images instead of cumbersome X/Y coordinates. It relies only upon the images that are rendered in the browser, regardless of the technology that created them. Simply give the software information about a button or an image, and you can use the button in your macro commands. The program will find and click the button, even if it is in a different location or has changed colors.

Requirements: Win 98 or better
Release Info: Major Update on Feb 27, 2006
Release Notes: Added Image Recognition Technology
Related Tags: Automate web flash test java


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