Book Reporter 5.1

Book Reporter educational software is designed to be used in the classroom to teach students computer skills, keyboarding, reading, and language arts skills in one activity. The teacher's section is password protected.

Product Specifications

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Homepage Visit Homepage
License Freeware
Price $0.00
Downloads 1,380
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name br21dl.exe
File Size 0.53 MB ( 546 KB )
Published Nov 13, 2005 (19 years ago)
Updated Dec 12, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Book Reporter is a teacher?s tool for classroom entering and organization of book reports. The main purpose is to help students get used to using the computer and typing in reports on the keyboard, as well as traditional reading comprehension and writing skills of book reports. This free educational software allows students to enter book reports on the computer in a password protected environment so teachers can easily review and grade the reports. Also, when using the password feature, students can only access and edit their own reports. Other features include browsing reports, sorting, grading, commenting, and printing the reports. Reports can be entered for magazine or newspaper articles as well. Book reports can be entered all at once or in shorter write ups like section or chapter. The software tool is free to download and use by teachers, parents, or anyone else who finds it helpful. Help is included in the program.

Requirements: 16MB RAM
Release Info: Minor Update on Jun 02, 2011
Release Notes: Minor bug fixes.
Related Tags: book reporter educational education student


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