G-Lock Email Processor 3.4.6

G-Lock Email Processor provides you with the ability to develop a set of rules that determine how you want to process your incoming messages. It runs as a system service on your PC.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $595
Downloads 1,081
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name gep.zip
File Size 33.18 MB ( 33,973 KB )
Published Aug 19, 2003 (22 years ago)
Updated Nov 20, 2017 (7 years ago)

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Product Details

G-Lock Email Processor is the most complete solution for processing incoming emails and automating business processes. G-Lock Email Processor provides you with the ability to develop a set of rules that determine how you want to process your incoming messages. It runs as a system service on your PC. The service automatically starts each time you switch your PC on - no need to start the program manually!

Using our G-Lock Email Processor you can read messages from POP3 and IMAP mailboxes, filter the messages by different conditions, extract any data from the message body, message header, and text attachments and save the data to a file. Thus, G-Lock Email Processor can handle purchase orders, messages where the text layout is known (web forms), bounced emails, subscribe and unsubscribe emails, auto replies or any kind of messages of a specific format you may receive.

G-Lock Email Processor can insert extracted data into a local or remote database, update the database or delete records from the database based on the extracted data. The program can work with any ODBC compatible database.

Just imagine how much time you would spend for manually extracting the data from the messages and adding it to the database. In G-Lock Email Processor you setup the rule only once determining the criteria to catch the emails, fields you want to extract and database to insert the data to. The program will handle the messages according to your settings without your participation - faster, easier and better than you can imagine!

In addition, using G-Lock Email Processor you can send a reply to the recipient immediately after the message is processed, or schedule a series of follow-up emails to each recipient. And you can send attachments with the messages too - all is completely automatically with G-Lock Email Processor!

Requirements: Windows XP/7/Vista/8, Pentium III or higher, RAM 512MB, disk space 30MB, video 256 colors
Release Info: Minor Update on Mar 09, 2017
Release Notes: Updated the components working with outgoing email messages.
Related Tags: email email processing email processor process emails process inbound email


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