ECTACO PhraseBook Russian -> French for Pocket PC 1.1.32

Now you can forget about the language barrier problems when traveling to a foreign country. Just install the ECTACO PhraseBook on your Pocket PC and enjoy prompt and professional assistance in translating and pronouncing frequently-used phrases.

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License Shareware
Price $29.95
Downloads 734
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name phb-pkpc-rufr.exe
File Size 4.00 MB ( 4,101 KB )
Published Nov 29, 2004 (20 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

Now you can forget about the language barrier problems when traveling to a foreign country. Be sure that you understand and are understood in a variety of standard situations such as registering at a hotel, shopping, banking, etc. Just install the ECTACO PhraseBook on your Pocket PC and enjoy prompt and professional assistance in translating and pronouncing frequently-used phrases.

Stop wasting your time trying to find a phrase or a word in your heavy paper phrasebook. Just start typing the word you want in your Pocket PC's input line and the ECTACO PhraseBook will find any phrase for you in a second, accurately translate it and pronounce the translation.

Featuring the native-speaker voice, the ECTACO PhraseBook is a great travel companion and an ideal tool for those, starting to learn a foreign language.

The application includes about 3000 frequently-used phrases, organized into 15 major categories, and it's extremely convenient for browsing. The search feature makes it even easier to find the phrase you want.

* 3000 common phrases organized in 15 topics
* Each phrase is pronounced in the voiced of a native speaker
* Quick search by first letters of key words
* Special keyboard layout
* Letter recognition function
* All topics section shows all phrases in the phrasebook regardless of which topic they belong to.
* Quick switch between topics
* Intelligent interface
* Adjustment of fonts

Requirements: RAM (storage): 1.5 MB for the main application, 3MB for the database;
Release Info: Major Update on Nov 22, 2004
Release Notes: Redesign to work with latest OSes
Related Tags: phrasebook ectaco lingvosoft travel foreign


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