AcroLexic 2.0

AcroLexic is our recent development to assist you with your translation difficulties. AcroLexic 2.0 is a dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations. Currently it contains more than 70,000 terms with more than 150,000 definitions. Quick search option allows you to find the definition of the selected acronym. Custom dictionaries can be created and exported.

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License Shareware
Expires no limitations
Price $42.55
Downloads 945
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name AcroLexic2Setup.exe
File Size 14.90 MB ( 15,255 KB )
Published Oct 05, 2009 (15 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

AcroLexic is our recent development to assist you with your translation difficulties. AcroLexic 2.0 is a dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations. Currently it contains more than 70,000 terms with more than 150,000 definitions. AcroLexic allows you to find acronyms' meaning quickly and effectively. An incremental search starts by sorting out the database as soon as you type-in the first characters of the acronym (when you type the first letters all records starting with that string entered are displayed in the top of the list). Quick search option allows you to find the definition of the selected acronym. You can select the acronym in any other software and press the hot key, which can be adjusted at the Settings window and the acronym's definitions will be instantly shown in the Definition window. Export and Import functions allow you to save your custom acronyms and their definitions into the file with .acro extension.

Requirements: Windows 95 or higher
Release Info: New Release on Jan 25, 2007
Related Tags: acronym finder state abbreviation acronym dictionary medical abbreviation internet acronym


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