ABC Speedreading 012

By using "Speed Reading", you can increase your facility for fast reading. You needn't practice special exercis.

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License Shareware
Price $39
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name speedreading.exe
File Size 0.59 MB ( 600 KB )
Published Feb 24, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 23, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

By using "Magic Speed Reading", you can increase your facility for fast reading. You needn't practice special exercises; it is enough just to read. Habitually returning to what is already read, that usually decreases the speed of reading, no longer happens. Reading each word individually becomes unnecessary because skillful fast readers do not individualize the text when reading at high speeds. You become accustomed to grasping a whole word or a group of words at one glance. In this way you activate your peripheral vision facilities. You study how to read without haste, because the program responds to the speed you have chosen and does not react to your haste. The "Speed Reading Is Not Magic" inclues 15 different computerized trainings. Visit for more infornation.

By using speed reading software, you can improve your facilities of speed reading. You don't need to do any special exercises; it is enough to read and to practice periodically. Take a Look at these free online speed reading techniques.

All texts contain 50% of garbage. Try to remove 50% of letters and you still will be able to read the text. Try to understand this simple idea and you speed reading will go up. Human mind can read words like Chinese hieroglyphs (you see the the picture and understand the mean of it).

You can mix the letters and still read the text. Try to understand this simple idea and you speed reading will go up. You can read the text by groups of words. If you cut the paper of text by a pair of scissors and mix the slice of text and you can also read the text. The speed reading will also improve if you widen your eye span.

Requirements: win
Release Info: Beta on Jan 01, 2008
Release Notes: Added new lessons
Related Tags: sdeed reading lsspeedread tips free


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