Advanced Date Time Calculator 7.0

A full-featured date time calculator that used to get result date time, calculate differences and count the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates/times, get the conversion between various time elements/zones, calculate UNIX date.

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $29.99
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OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
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File Size 0.67 MB ( 685 KB )
Published Sep 11, 2012 (13 years ago)
Updated Jan 11, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

Advanced Date Time Calculator is a full-featured date time calculator that contains 6 main functions: calculates the result date time by adding/subtracting some years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds to/from a base time, for instance: get the result time by adding 3.29 years, 1.8 weeks and 982 seconds to current time. Also supports adding/subtracting some days of weekdays/weekends to get the target date. Calculates the differences (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and integrated difference) between two times, it is usually used to get the years/months/weeks/days/hours/minutes counts for the past/future events based on current date time, such as birth, marriage and anniversary. So, it has initialized the start and end date time as current date time for you, just change one date time to count the number of years/months/weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds of your past/future events based on current time, for instance: you can quickly get "How many seconds/days you live". Counts the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates, e.g. easily get the days of week between Jan 29, 1819 and Oct 14, 1981. Gets the conversion between various date time elements (days, years, months, weeks, minutes, seconds, hours), with this tool, you can easily and quickly know about the answers of some time conversion questions, such as "how many seconds in a year". Compares the specified time between a base time zone and four other special time zones, and lists the times of all time zones in the world for the specified base time. Calculate the exact date that indicated by a large days/seconds number that passed from UNIX base date (Jan 01, 1970), or get the corresponding UNIX/Linux days/seconds number by specifying a general date, e.g. 15,551 days indicates Jul 30, 2012. All above results are instantly shown after changed any conditions, do not need to click any button such as "Calculate", "Count".

Requirements: .NET 2.0 or later.
Release Info: Major Update on Dec 19, 2016
Release Notes: Can set weekends. Supports to add / subtract weekdays or weekends. Supports to choose the base time zone for comparing. "Time zones" can remember the base time zone and other two "Compare with" time zones, in order to quickly compare the common use time zones in the future. And more.
Related Tags: time converter time calculator days between dates day calculator calendar calculator


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