SWF Maestro EXE PRO 2.0

Turn your SWF projects or games into profitable commercial products by compiling them into protected, time/feature-limited try-before-you-buy products. Users will require a valid license key to activate your product's full functionality.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Price $89.95
Downloads 1,021
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name exeprosetup.exe
File Size 2.69 MB ( 2,755 KB )
Published Jul 19, 2007 (18 years ago)
Updated Dec 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Turn your SWF projects, games or presentations into profitable commercial products by compiling them into protected, time-limited, try-before-you-buy products.
Compile licensed, stand-alone executables of any SWF project. SWF Maestro EXE PRO allows creating time-limited and feature-restricted commercial products to be distributed on a try-before-you-buy basis. Create and sell learning tools and tutorials, limiting pre-sale users to just a few topics or exercises. Distribute evaluation versions of computer games where unregistered users can only access a few levels, or limit access to a collection of video clips or music tunes by allowing only some clips to be played.
Your users will require a valid license key to activate your product's full functionality. SWF Maestro EXE PRO makes it impossible to create a third-party key generator for your products by protecting them with strong keys based on asymmetrical cryptography. Choose exactly the type of protection required by your application. You can tie the use of your product to a particular computer by opting for hardware-locked keys, and issue a name-locked key to license a single user or organization. Sell subscription-based products or make your licenses expire after a certain date with time-limited keys.
Automate distribution and licensing of your products with unique, per-product automatic license key generators created separately for each compilation. The key generators accept command line options and provide console output, allowing you to easily automate license key generation using scripts.
Increase your download-to-purchase conversion rate by including custom Purchase Reminder screens reminding your users to buy the product they are evaluating.
Impress your customers with stunning visual effects by using objects of variable shape and translucency with complex semi-transparent shadows. All types of SWF files are supported, including those created with Flash, Flex and similar products.

Requirements: 128MB of RAM, 5MB of free hard disk space.
Release Info: Major Update on Nov 26, 2007
Release Notes: - Major version update.
Related Tags: SWF EXE protect SWF create EXE from SWF


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SWF Maestro EXE

Create enhanced SWF projectors, games or presentations and protect your SWF project by compiling it into a single executable file. Impress your target audience with translucent visual effects and protect your SWF project against decompilation.

SWF Maestro SCR

Create a colorful screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project. Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver. Protect your work and distribute your SWF animation to as many viewers as possible