SWF Maestro EXE 2.0

Create enhanced SWF projectors, games or presentations and protect your SWF project by compiling it into a single executable file. Impress your target audience with translucent visual effects and protect your SWF project against decompilation.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Price $49.95
Downloads 551
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name exesetup.exe
File Size 1.50 MB ( 1,536 KB )
Published May 17, 2007 (18 years ago)
Updated Dec 15, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Create applications, enhanced SWF projectors, games or presentations and protect your SWF project by compiling all of its files and resources into a single executable file.

Impress your target audience with translucent visual effects. SWF Maestro EXE allows creating a windowless presentation that uses transparency effects right on the computer's desktop. Create objects with shapes and shadows of any complexity, and they will be shown on the desktop with real translucency and semi-transparency effects.

Decompiling an SWF project is easy with modern tools. Adobe Flash compiler does not provide adequate protection for your compiled assembly against extraction and decompilation of your project. Protect your SWF presentation by putting your project and all of its resources into a single stand-alone application that can be easily executed on a PC. Unlike Adobe Flash compiler, it is impossible to extract an SWF file or its resources from the executable created by SWF Maestro EXE. Compile a single executable file and include as many additional dependencies as you need, including XML, FLV, MP3, JPG, and other supporting files of any type.

SWF Maestro EXE is not a constructor. Your customers will never get a screen displaying the "Made with" message. You are the only one who controls every aspect of your SWF project.

Create windowed or full-screen presentations and games, customize your application with your own caption, icons and resources, and make your compiled project impress your viewers!

Enhance your SWF project with advanced features. SWF Maestro EXE allows you to store custom data, invoke operating system dialog boxes, create dynamic context menus, and do many more things that are properly documented in the user's manual.

SWF Maestro EXE is compatible with all SWF files, including those created with Flash, Flex, and other popular applications.

Requirements: 128MB of RAM, 5MB of free hard disk space.
Release Info: Major Update on Nov 26, 2007
Release Notes: - Major version update.
Related Tags: SWF EXE protect SWF create EXE from SWF


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Turn your SWF projects or games into profitable commercial products by compiling them into protected, time/feature-limited try-before-you-buy products. Users will require a valid license key to activate your product's full functionality.

SWF Maestro SCR

Create a colorful screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project. Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver. Protect your work and distribute your SWF animation to as many viewers as possible