SurgeMail 5.3h2

A Complete, advanced Mail Server, SurgeMail is secure, easy to install and manage. This email server is fast, reliable and feature rich, with integrated Webmail. Users can create and manage blogs. Advanced spam filtering, enhanced SPF stops most spam

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License Shareware
Price $200
Downloads 842
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 13.16 MB ( 13,476 KB )
Published Jul 17, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

A Complete, advanced Mail Server, SurgeMail is secure, easy to install and manage. This email server is fast, reliable and feature rich, with integrated Webmail.Advanced spam filtering, enhanced SPF stops most spam early. Integrated Avast anti-virus. Runs on platform of choice (Windows, Linux, Solaris) and supports all relevant RFC protocols POP3, SMTP, IMAP4, LDAP, HTTP, TLS/SSL. Highly scalable, 10 to unlimited users, unlimited domains. SurgeVault encryption can be added for secure email encryption. Windows/Linux SMTP Server Software The heart of your mail server is the SMTP protocol, SurgeMail's smtp module is designed to handle Incoming Email, Spam, Hackers and Local Users all at once. Many unique features are used to throttle spammers, detect and block hacking attempts, reject the bulk of spam and still accept all normal incoming email quickly and efficiently. What is a "Secure Mail Server"? * Designed for security from the ground up, so it can't be exploited as a back door into your computer network. * Supports SSL protocol for login and smtp so messages and passwords are encrypted at all times and not visibly floating around on the internet for anyone to see/steal (as is common with most servers) * Includes optional 'SurgeVault' Encryption module for 'end to end' encryption * SurgeMails unique 'mirror' feature allows live replication of your configuration and mailboxes, this feature will save you your job! A nightly backup is just not a workable solution for your mail system when the most valuable data on your mail server is all 'new and unread' email that arrived within the last day! RFC Standards Compliant "IMAP Mail Server" We take RFC compliance seriously. For example unlike many of our competitors our IMAP mail server module passes the rigourous unofficial IMAP test suite This means it's more likely to work seamlessly with multiple email clients (IPhones, Android etc.) without 'odd' behaviour.

Requirements: None
Release Info: New Release on Jul 19, 2011
Release Notes: New SurgeWeb email client, improved anti-spam systems, Avast anti-virus now included
Related Tags: mail server smtp pop imap


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