Spam Sleuth 4.0

Eliminate spam and potential virus e-mails while retaining valuable e- mail. Spam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics. Various reports tell you why an e-mail is spam.

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License Shareware
Expires 60 Days
Price $29.95
Downloads 581
OS Support Windows Install Only
File Name SpamSleuthSetup.exe
File Size 3.84 MB ( 3,929 KB )
Published Mar 11, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Jan 24, 2014 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Spam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics. Our program keeps a report of what it finds so that you know why an e-mail has been deemed as spam. . If Spam Sleuth determines an e- mail is spam, it yanks it out of the e-mail server, compresses it so that it takes as little space as possible on your computer, and keeps a report with the suspect e- mail. When your e-mail program gets your e- mail, the spam has already been removed and you can read your e- mail the same way you always have, but without sorting through the junk e-mail to find the gems. Spam Sleuth is the best of the best and gives you control to customize the program to your liking.

Spam Sleuth uses a point system to eliminate spam. Spam Sleuth's analyzers: Friends, Spammers,To, Goodwords, Badwords, Profanity, Subject, Attachments, Charsets, HTML Volume, etc. looks at an e- mail a different way and assigns points. The more points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is to be deemed as spam. The less points an e-mail message receives the more likely it is a real gem.

E-mail Stamps: You can charge senders a fee to send you e-mail. When Spam Sleuth deems an e-mail message as spam an email sent back to the sender requiring them to pay a fee via PayPal before their message will be sent through to your inbox. (That's right, you make the spammers pay you to send junk e-mail.)
Turing Test: Similar to Email stamps, except that you don?t collect money. The turning test sends an email back to the sender and requires them to enter a validation code in order for Spam Sleuth to allow email messages through to your inbox. (Great way to know if you're dealing with a mindless machine or a real human on the other end.)
Bayesian Analysis: Looks at your previous e-mail and learns the characteristics of spam and good e-mail. Just like a baby, it needs to be taught right from wrong. By marking your messages as Good or Spam, and the

Requirements: 486+ processor, 8MB RAM, 2MB Disk space, POP3 e-mail server
Release Info: Major Update on Feb 01, 2004
Release Notes: turing test, email stamps, bounce to sender
Related Tags: spam blue squirrel e-mail iHateSpam junk e-mail


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