Spam Bully 2.0 for Outlook Express 5/5.5/6

Spam Bully 2.0 Outlook Express spam filter uses Bayesian intelligence to quickly learn what you consider spam and not spam. Friends/Spammers lists, blocking by country/language, Allow/Block phrases, bounce spam, customizable language interface.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 14 Days
Price $29.95
Downloads 778
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name spambully2foroe.msi
File Size 5.69 MB ( 5,829 KB )
Published Feb 13, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Dec 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Spam Bully 2.0 is an easy to use self learning spam filter that integrates into Outlook Express. Uses Bayesian artificial intelligence to learn from your personal email habits. Quickly learns what you consider spam and not spam. The more you use it, the sharper the accuracy. Other tough spam fighting features include: Friends/Spammers lists that let you make sure you get important emails from friends and family and block out unwanted sales pitches, email blocking by country and language, an Allow/Block list that lets you choose words and phrases you wish to allow or block from your inbox, a link analyzer that follows the links in your emails and analyzes the web pages they lead to for spam content, the ability to bounce spam emails back to intrusive spammers, checks Realtime Blackhole Lists for internet domains that are responsible for sending massive amounts of spam and automatically filters them out for you, a customizable interface for English, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Romanian, and French. Comprehensive graphing and stats give you complete details on how well Spam Bully 2.0 is working for you. All features are fully customizable to meet your specific needs.

Requirements: Outlook Express 5, 5.5 or 6 and 15 mb hard drive space.
Release Info: New Release on Jan 18, 2004
Related Tags: spam filter spam bully spambully outlook express spam filter spam killer


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Spam Bully 2.0 for Outlook 2000/2002/2003

Spam Bully 2.0 for Outlook spam filter uses Bayesian intelligence to quickly learn what you consider spam and not spam. Friends/Spammers lists, blocking by country/language, Allow/Block phrases, bounce spam, customizable interface for your language.