ScheduLAN 6.1

ScheduLAN is a network-based product that includes one of the most complete office schedulers available, an office sign-out board, a message center, and a shared phone book. May be used on a single computer, local area network, or even the Internet.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Price $45
Downloads 1,342
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name skdlannt.exe
File Size 1.42 MB ( 1,455 KB )
Published Apr 21, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 21, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

ScheduLAN is a network-based product that includes one of the most complete office schedulers available, an office sign-out board, a message center, and a shared phone book. Its scheduler will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project (or even those events containing a particular word) will be displayed. The program's sign-out board will tell you where anyone in the office has gone, how to reach him, and when he expects to return. Its message center stores messages for office-mates when they are out. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. It also finds free time, easily establishes recurring events, and calculates date intervals. A snooze-alarm, world time chart, and a wide variety of reports are among the program's other features. And there's much more. May be used on a local area network or even over the Internet.

Requirements: Windows 7/XP/Vista/2000/NT/98/95
Release Info: Minor Update on Oct 01, 2009
Release Notes: This new version runs under Windows7, as well as earlier versions of Windows.
Related Tags: Scheduler Calendar PIM LAN Group


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