Radar Screensaver 1.72

Radar Screensaver simulates a fabulous radar watching its airspace controlled area. You will be able to configure it many ways. It can track Santa Clause (!) from now and allows leaving messages while it is running when you are away from your PC.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 21 Days
Price $19.50
Downloads 1,427
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name radar-ss_setup.exe
File Size 3.00 MB ( 3,071 KB )
Published Mar 12, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Jun 05, 2012 (13 years ago)

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Product Details

The Radar Screensaver is a beatiful, entertaining and educational screen saving utility. It allows to be easily configured in many ways to provide you many hours of enjoying with a hi-tech animation. You will find a main circular display with famous rotating beam. It will expose the flying objects which will be reflected as blips over the display. The four sector displays will show a very dynamic picture of radio beam in four quadrants. The degree of simulation is very high, so you will see not only noises from terrain surface and clouds, but even geometric distortions caused by physical effects. Each detected object will be recognized with a Satellite-Powered Identification System (SPIDES): when flying object is exposed by radio beam, the reconnaissance satellite will take its photo and send it to computer at radar observation post. There it will be compared with known types of aircrafts and other flying objects (by the way, there are more than 60 flying object types supported) and finally recognized. You will see this process and final photo of recognized object type. Later, on each beam sweep, the detected object will be updated with path tracking line to allow the operator to view from where and to where the object flies. For those purposes, each object will be supplied with a marker - small rectangle with azimuth, speed, course and distance information. The same information will be placed into the detection logs - two columns of running digits at both sides of your display. You will be able to configure a lot of settings, and change the colors of all the animation elements. Radar Screensaver supports multi-monitor configurations, so if you have more than one monitor connected to your PC, you will be able to turn your workplace into something like observation post. Another exciting feature, making this screensaver very useful, is ability to leave an on-screen messages. These will be shown after attempt to close the screensaver when you are away from your PC.

Requirements: Pentium III 600 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 32MB OpenGL 3D Graphics card
Release Info: Major Update on Jun 28, 2008
Release Notes: OpenGL-based graphics, "on-screen message" feature, AWACS mode, Satellite identification, detection logs, path tracking markers, new user interface.
Related Tags: screensaver radar aircraft image simulation


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