GYRODROME Screensaver 1.00

This is a conceptually simple but beautiful and modern screensaver which will give you many hours of interesting and fascinating animation. Watch metallic rings rotating one inside another in front of spherical panorama background images.

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License Shareware
Expires 21 Days
Price $14.95
Downloads 860
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name gyrodrome-setup.exe
File Size 1.87 MB ( 1,912 KB )
Published Sep 28, 2005 (19 years ago)
Updated Dec 16, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

This is conceptually simple but beautiful and modern screensaver will give you many hours of interesting and fascinating animation. The corner stone of the Gyrodrome Screensaver animation are few rings placed one inside another and rotating around all the three world axis as relatively to world as relatively to each other.
Another mobile element of virtual world on a screen is camera. This camera is permanently looking to the rings observation point. It can fly around the rings along three directions ? two of them are angles around the rings and third one is camera's own axis pointed towards to center of the animated world.
There are some light sources randomly distributed around the rings. These lights might be of various random colors and brightness and create attractive highlights of all colors and gradations.
The last visible thing is background. It might be filled with flat color or, what is more interesting, a with a bitmap image in a form of spherical panorama. Five panorama images in normal and low resolution have been included into the screensaver distribution package. You can download high resolution package with these panoramas and other ones from Gyrodrome Screensaver download page. And, of course, you can choose your own image as background.
Another nice feature makes the Gyrodrome Screensaver not only pretty screen saving utility. This is "on-screen-message" feature which will allow you to leave a text message on your screen when you are away from your computer. It is not visible normally, but if someone will move your mouse or touch your keyboard while screensaver is running, it will display your message instead of simply closing. Moreover, you may specify a time for which you may specify a time for which you plan to leave and create several shortcuts for quick starting the screensaver in different situations.
As a sample of modern screensaver, the Gyrodrome Screensaver fully supports multimonitor computer configurations.

Requirements: Pentium II 300MHz, 64MB RAM, OpenGL 32Mb Graphics Card
Release Info: New Release on Sep 26, 2005
Release Notes: First public release.
Related Tags: 3d screensaver animation gyrodrome gyroscope


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