Federal Press Agency 7.24

The Federal Press Agency will publish your Website's pages in turns with your best own Tweets, those of your friends, Team members, Newstickers, or Hashtags. Selected by public vote - Retweets and Favs count. A SocialBot to grow your own Project.

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4.8 out of 5 (based on 47 ratings)
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License Freeware
Price $0.00
Downloads 371
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 3.92 MB ( 4,017 KB )
Published Oct 23, 2018 (6 years ago)
Updated (No date provided)

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Product Details

Federal Press Agency is a SocialBot to grow your Startup, Project or Small Business. It will read your website sitemap, and publish an article per hour on Twitter, world's fastest network. Configure it to publish Tweets of you, your Friends, Team members and Newstickers, statistically based on Retweets and Favs.

The Federal Press Agency is our answer to the Upload Filters of 20th century European Union Politicians.
We the people. Publishers of 21st century. Altogether, we vote.

We're tolerant. at The Federal Press Agency, we're participative. And we're kind. We let them all talk on, in their beautiful, ever so utterly expensive glass palasts. They're all over the world.

Caring for their own pockets, and those they owe for all that fame. They take 10000 Euro per month and they talk about poverty, in shiny TV.

How do they know. How can they understand.

we're free, we're honest, even and fair. our Treasures we share. day one, we are the poor.
altogether, we bear them all, for too once upon a long time ago.

day two. we the people make a wish come true.

How can they understand how cruel it is to die, from bitter poverty, in knowing from a broken shield's iPhone all about how beautiful these people live in their shiny paradise, their daily parades.

and so, while some people who call themselves government are showing there faces on some bribed, old TV stations of past century, we the people have started to move on. We just let them talk on. We barely listen. When we meet a friend, we mumble.

It's all about getting the work done.

The Federal Press Agency is free of charge. It's your way to grow. Are you ready, today?
SocialMedia driven innovations for the 21st century. And you could be one.

At Dynamic Applications, we work to empower people. We are Sharing Economy. Follow us to gain.

Requirements: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
Release Info: Major Update on Apr 12, 2022
Release Notes: v7.24 - main window now by default in bottom right corner. v7.04 - brings 2022 dna license. v7.04 - now compiled in (x64) version. v6.75 - nearly final (x86) version; all DLLs recompiled. v6.48 - new Sectigo Code Signing certificate for 2o21 .. 2o24.
Related Tags: Press Press Agency Agency SocialMedia Social Media


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