CyberMatrix Timesheets Standard 5.13

CyberMatrix Timesheets is an easy to use Windows-based multi-user time sheet entry program that allows employees to quickly enter their time spent on various projects and tasks.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $55.00
Downloads 1,117
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name tssetup.exe
File Size 11.68 MB ( 11,963 KB )
Published Jan 16, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Dec 15, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

CyberMatrix Timesheets is an easy to use Windows-based multi-user time sheet entry program that allows employees to quickly enter their time spent on various projects and tasks. Timesheets is ideal for engineering offices, consulting firms and other project driven businesses wishing to replace their paper-based or spreadsheet time sheet entry. CyberMatrix Timesheets was designed to provide an effortless transition for those accustomed to the traditional paper-based time sheet entry. The time sheet entry screen looks like a standard time sheet entry form. Unlike traditional time sheets though, managers can validate and edit their employees time immediately from their own computers without having to pore over scores of time sheet reports.

Timesheets features simple, intuitive employee time entry by client, project and task. It is also possible to enter time sheets for equipment use as well. Share data from multiple employees over your network. Assign rates by employee, client, project, task, activity or phase for time billing purposes. The custom reporting features allow existing reports to be changed and new reports to be added. The project management and expense management features help keep track of project costs and schedules. The Microsoft Project and QuickBooks export features saves you the time would have been spent re-keying this data. Exchange time sheet data with other programs via the CSV import/export feature. Access data from other database applications using the ODBC driver. Time sheet data can be imported from Timesheets CE which run on Windows Mobile hand-held devices.

Requirements: 2 GB RAM, 30 MB HD
Release Info: Minor Update on Sep 13, 2017
Release Notes: Added sync with Project Clock App for iOS and Android devices.
Related Tags: time sheet time sheet entry employee time sheet time entry time recording


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