Customer Scheduler Pro 1.8

Contact & Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software. An Exciting Product in CRM Technology. The CRM Pro also has the ability to input emergency contact info, reminders and add miscellaneous notes about your customers.

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License Shareware
Expires 14 Days
Price $49.95
Downloads 904
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Size 16.71 MB ( 17,116 KB )
Published May 15, 2013 (12 years ago)
Updated Dec 19, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

For efficient and effective dealing with customers, every business have to specific details of its customers. In this age of information technology, manual recording of customer data is not a viable or rationale idea. Businesses are increasingly adopting specialized software for automation of customer relationship management (CRM). Among different CRM software that is available in the market, the Customer Scheduler Pro can be considered among the best ones. This software has a nice and convenient interface for input of contact details of customers. Besides contact information, other information related to specific customers can also be stored using this software. You can store performance reports against each and every customer. If you need to store any scanned documents against the account of any customer, then you do that job effectively with this software. There is a reminder feature, associated with the program, that alerts the respective business on critical events or tusks to be done date or time. A data navigator is also there; with data navigator, users of this software can browse different events and appointments fixed against different dates date. Users can pick up any specific events or appointments on any date, and then can make necessary modification to those. Categorization of clients or customers is also facilitated by this stunning software. Based on specific characteristics or traits, businesses can categorize their customers in to several classes. This classification is often helpful for effective customer relationship management. Often businesses require having hard-copy or printouts of schedules. Customer scheduler pro has a built-in printing module; with that module, schedules can be printed in different attractive templates. This software comes with a built-in database; all the customer data are stored in that database. For tracking data wise revenue and expenditure, this soft also have necessary facilities.

Requirements: 32 MB of RAM, 7 MB of available hard disk space.
Release Info: Major Update on Mar 20, 2017
Release Notes: Various internal optimizations and bug-fixes.
Related Tags: crm crm software customer relationship management open source crm online crm


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