Capture Text 13.5

Recognizes and saves any text that normally cannot be saved or printed. It can copy everything that resembles text in any form. Now you can forget about copy-protected text or any data - Capture Text will copy and save it for you.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 21 Days
Price $29.95
Downloads 861
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name capturetext.exe
File Size 4.15 MB ( 4,245 KB )
Published Sep 25, 2004 (20 years ago)
Updated Dec 17, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Capture Text is a full-featured screen capture and text capture/recognition program. It was designed specifically to meet the demands of those who work with large amount of text and value their time, not spending it on unnecessary and endless typing.

How often have you been in a situation where you needed to save some data but were not able to do so because the words or figures were protected by some script of were maybe some part of a graphic or picture? Well, here's the tool that will help you to avoid all these problems and settle them once and for all.

Capture Text recognizes any text that is displayed on the screen and saves it to the clipboard, so that you can then work with it in a document of your choice.

Character Recognizer interacts with and converts the captured text or graphic image to content that can be recognized as text within your text processing program, from the most basic to the more sophisticated (Notepad, WordPad, Word, etc.). From the Clipboard you can then paste it into any type of Database, Spreadsheet, or Word Processing program, such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice - any type of document where you may need that text.

You don't need to re-type the text you see on the screen - just select it with the mouse and copy to the clipboard.

Capture Text (an advanced screen grabber) recognizes letters, punctuation, and numbers. If you select text in a graphic, Capture Text translates it as letters and punctuation.
The software is capable of capturing and recognizing Web addresses (URLs) as well as the scanned blocks of text - no need to use conventional expensive OCR programs, let Capture Text do the work for you.

The main feature of Capture Text is that while being a screen capture program, it can also recognize and save any text that otherwise cannot be saved or printed. That makes Capture Text a highly valuable and useful tool.

Fully integrates with and compliments word processing tools

Requirements: 16MB RAM, 3Mb disk space
Release Info: Major Update on May 13, 2013
Release Notes: Improved stability under Windows 7 x64 Added interprocess communication with Internet Explorer 9
Related Tags: screen capture text recognize characters


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