AptPassport 2.1.00

An ID/Password assistant. Control all PINs and logon details.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Expires 30 Days
Price $15
Downloads 475
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name aptpassport.zip
File Size 5.65 MB ( 5,787 KB )
Published Aug 16, 2004 (20 years ago)
Updated May 29, 2007 (18 years ago)

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Product Details

In this data driven age there is an increasing requirement for us to keep in secure control of all the P.I.N.s (Personal Identifier Numbers) that we need for accessing our personal accounts.

These accounts may be from websites that require an ID/Password combination, online Banks that require several additional Question/Answer checks, or many others that might have no internet requirement. For example - Keys for software installation, mobile phone number PUKs - the list goes on and on!
And when creating new password accounts it's only sensible that we should follow good security procedures from the very beginning - and right throughout their use. AptPassport is designed to encourage you to do just that.

From its high quality password generator, extensive data encryption and shielding - through easy access and deployment of all of its data, there's no excuse for not adopting a fully secure approach when handling your key data. The one click auto-logon feature also takes the pain out of handling ID/Password data entry.

Still doubt the need for good security?
I think you may agree that it would be foolish to keep your PIN details unencrypted, in say a text file on your computer. Even if you are the only one that should have access to it. Bear in mind that even the most careful user who has installed Anti-Virus, and Firewall software could fall victim to a hacking attack. New weaknesses in Internet and Operating System software are being exploited on a regular basis. Unprotected PINs and Passwords are a personal disaster just waiting to happen.

Use AptPassport to protect and serve you, it's what it was designed for!

Requirements: MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) - Only needed by W98 users!
Release Info: Minor Update on May 29, 2005
Release Notes: File attachments for each account let you collect important related documents together.
Related Tags: Password Logon Manager Controller Security


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