Mail Access Monitor for VisNetic MailServer 3.2

Stop e-mail abuse in your company! Get Mail Access Monitor! FREE Trial.

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License Shareware
Expires 40 Days
Price $0.00
Downloads 733
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name mamvms.exe
File Size 4.74 MB ( 4,855 KB )
Published Aug 23, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated May 29, 2007 (18 years ago)

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Product Details

It is hard to imagine an office without access to e-mail. Just as hard as finding a large company that does not have irresponsible employees who prefer exchanging e-mail messages with their friends rather than doing their job. If you are a manager, business owner or IT specialist, you have to know that there is a simple, quick and inexpensive way to take control of corporate e-mail system. Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that analyses mail server logs and shows how much traffic is being used by e-mail, who sends and receives most messages, where the messages are being send to and if e-mail abuse takes place in your office. The program works with all popular e-mail servers (MDaemon, Kerio MailServer, Merak Mail Server, MS Exchange Server, VisNetic MailServer, SendMail, PostFix, CommuniGate Pro and QMail) and builds charts that are easy to comprehend. A simple glance at the chart reveals a lot of information. For example, you may find out that most outgoing e-mail messages are not related to work in any way and cost you hundreds of dollars in extra traffic a year. Or that some employees average 30-50 emails a day. Or, on the other hand, some of your sales staff members who are supposed to be proactive at approaching clients only reply to incoming messages. The best part of Mail Access Monitor is that it starts working right after installation (which takes less then 1 minute) and frees you from having to look over employees shoulders. As soon as employees learn that their e-mail use is being tracked and that the abusers will be punished, their productivity increases drastically. In fact, Mail Access Monitor is so effective that some Fortune 500 companies made it a mandatory policy to have the program installed in every office and branch around the globe! To see how Mail Access Monitor can help your company fight e-mail abuse, download free trial version now!

Requirements: 64 MB RAM, 1024 Kb
Release Info: New Release on May 10, 2006
Release Notes: 1) added Hierarchical style for report. Now you can form complicated analytical samplings 2) support of wildcards (* and ?) in creating reports on hosts was added 3) a legend was added in the diagram 4) added French resource file 5) now the report is formed much faster 6) new templates, new column and new reports were added 7) fixed a lot of small bugs
Related Tags: wingate winroute ms isa server ms proxy proxy+


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