labelxp 3.0

Very power software for draw and print labels ready to download immediatly

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License Freeware
Price $0.00
Downloads 811
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name setuplabelxp.exe
File Size 5.72 MB ( 5,859 KB )
Published May 21, 2007 (18 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Very power software for draw label that allow you:
Possibility of defining the wished label format, margins and spacing between labels, possibility of defining number of horizontal labels and number of vertical labels.
Possibility of hitting the centre of the label print modifying the offset of the print.
Possibility of inserting and manipulating several objects using graphic interface, including barcode, free text fields, text fields attached to database.
Possibility of showing the prints in preview.
Possibility of connecting to a database in Microsoft Access format and select a table to use as source of the data for the print/union on the labels.
Possibility of inserting some criteria of selection of the records to be used in print.
Possibilities of printing barcode in the tail formats Code39, Ean8 or Ean13.

Requirements: nope
Release Info: Major Update on Nov 01, 2011
Release Notes: English version
Related Tags: labels etichette labelxp code39 ean8


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