JSON to XML Converter 8.2.9

XML Converter is conversion software to interactively create data transformation. Converter features XML output in four interface pages: XML View, XML Tree, XML Grid, and XML Script(Excel to XML,docx to XML,csv to XML,SQL Server,JSON, Oracle to XML)

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License Shareware
Expires 10 Days
Price $99.99
Downloads 434
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name XMLConverter.exe
File Size 3.05 MB ( 3,120 KB )
Published Apr 16, 2014 (11 years ago)
Updated Feb 19, 2017 (8 years ago)

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Product Details

JSON to XML Converter is XML data transformation software tool to interactively create XML data conversion. XML Converter converts data from csv, ODBC, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, JSON, or from MS Office files(excel, docx, mdb, accdb) into XMLs. It gives you ability to predefine XML transformation template scenario to create an XML with your particular multilevel tagged tree structure from a specially formatted data source.(Excel to XML,docx,JSON,csv to XML,SQL Server to XML,Oracle to XML) The customizations for output database are presented in tree-structured window that greatly simplifies personal parameters handling and settings adjusting. Sometimes companies need to transform JSON data to XML and vice versa. Problems associated with the limitations of JSON become all too apparent when you need to scale an application to support more data and more data formatting features. This is when converting your JSON file to XML makes sense. JSON has several important technical limitations that cannot be overcome with workarounds or special programming techniques, which can only be solved by converting your JSON to XML. Converting JSON to XML can be challenging or fairly straightforward, depending upon the quality and completeness of your existing JSON data structure design. Often we are in a need to convert Excel data to XML file which can be used as a feed to various applications like web services or middle tiers such as BizTalk. There will be many situations where we need to validate the format of Excel data sheet against a specified XML schema. We will also be required to generate XML schema based on an Excel Work Sheet. XML Converter helps you to accomplish that. Its easy-to-use interface makes it easy to perform the conversion. XML Converter is the right choice to convert Excel or other spreadsheets to XML files. XML Converter has the widest list of supported formats. XML Converter converts files right from your desktop or can be used via the command line.

Requirements: .NET framework 2.0
Release Info: New Release on Feb 19, 2017
Release Notes: new release
Related Tags: xml convert excel xls oracle


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