ITWorkTimer 1.1

Freeware which keeps track of employees worktime and makes screenshots of employees' screens to confirm that the time has been spent actually working. It calculates total work time for each employee and the salary based on individual hour rate.

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License Freeware
Price $0.00
Downloads 567
OS Support Windows No Install Support
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File Size 0.18 MB ( 180 KB )
Published Feb 27, 2005 (20 years ago)
Updated Jul 24, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

Freeware software product which keeps track of employees worktime and makes screenshots of employees' screens to confirm that the time has been spent actually working. It allows you to see what your employees were doing even without the need to always look behind their shoulder. ITWorkTimer calculates total work time for each employee and lets you to calculate the salary based on individual hour rate.
Obviously, using ITWorkTimer in your office will allow you to finally get the full control on how efficiently and how much your employees work. It will allow you both to encourage hardworkers and to penaltize those who work little or spend their working time in an unacceptable way.
You will always know how many hours your employees spent working. You will always know when your employee is only pretending to work. You will always be able to easily and fairly calculate the salary for your employee based on the total number of his/her working hours.
If you ever had problems with your employees spent their working time inefficiently, if you ever felt you were overpaying to some employees, you will naturally love ITWorkTimer!

Requirements: Apache 2.0.49+, PHP 4.10+, MySQL 4.1.7+, BugZilla
Release Info: New Release on Feb 19, 2005
Related Tags: employees worktime screenshot screen salary


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