DriveCrypt Plus Pack 3.9

Offers AES 256 bit, full disk encryption and pre-boot authentication. Able to protect the entire computer including the operating system(OS), in real time. DCPP is the only one able to hide the entire OS, and also works with external USB-Token.

Product Specifications

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License Shareware
Price $185.00
Downloads 956
OS Support Windows Install and Uninstall
File Name
File Size 6.47 MB ( 6,623 KB )
Published Apr 26, 2004 (21 years ago)
Updated Dec 14, 2013 (11 years ago)

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Product Details

DriveCrypt Plus Pack (DCPP) is a Full disk encryption software package which encrypts the operating system, and
allows pre-boot authentication. The user can enter a password on computer start up, before the operating system
boots up. DCPP is the only software on the market abel to hide the entire operating system inside another operating
system. This is especially usefull if you are forced to reveal the password to an attacker. In this case he will only see
prelared data. DCPP is the fastest and most feature-rich real-time encryption system available, Special care has
been taken to render all cryptographic parts as invisible & transparent as possible. DriveCrypt Plus Pack provides
true real-time "on the fly" 256-bit disk encryption. Providing advanced FDE (Full disk encryption) as opposed to
VDE (Virtual disk encryption) or "container" encryption. DCPP allows you to secure your disk(s) (including
removable media) with a powerful and proven encryption algorithm (AES-256) at the sector level, ensuring that only
authorized users may access it. The encryption algorithm used by DCPP is a trusted, validated algorithm chosen by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and slated to be the cryptographic standard for years to
come. AES-256 is a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be used by U.S. Government
organizations (and others) to protect sensitive information. DCPP is automatic and completely transparent to the
user. Not only does this decrease user involvement and training requirements, but also it creates the foundation for
enforceable security. The careful integration of boot protection and automatic encryption provides a high degree of
security with minimal impact on users. Boot protection prevents subversion of the operating system (via floppy boot-
up, for example) or the introduction of rogue programs while sector by sector encryption makes it impossible to copy individual files for brute force a

Requirements: n/a
Release Info: New Release on Feb 10, 2007
Related Tags: DCPP DriveCrypt DriveCrypt Plus Pack Plus Pack SecurStar


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